Journal Contents
Am Jour Ophthalmol
Br J Ophthalmol
Can J Ophthalmol
J Cat Ref Surg
Curr Eye Res
Eur J Ophthalmol
J Glaucoma
JAMA Ophthalmol
Graefes Ophthalmol
Indian J Ophthalmol
Int Ophthalmol Clin
Invest Ophth Vis Sci
Jpn J Ophthalmol
Korean J Ophthal
J Neuroophthalmol
Ophthalmic Epidemiol
Ophthalmic Genet
Ophthal Plast Rec Surg
Ophthalmic Res
Surv Ophthalmol
Ophthalmology Review Journal
Volume 3(2), Mar-Apr, 1997
Established 1995
Cornea and External Disease
Scleritis-associated Uveitis
Sainz de la Maza, Foster, Jabbur
Ophthalmology 1997;104:58-63
The ocular prognosis is worse for scleritis patients with anterior uveitis.
General Ophthalmology
Pathology of ocular lesions in free-living moose (Alces alces) from Saskatchewan.
Kuiken T; Grahn B; Wobeser G
J Wildl Dis 1997 Jan;33(1):87-94
Moose get blepharitis.
Fibrin glue: an alternative method of wound closure in glaucoma surgery.
O'Sullivan F; Dalton R; Rostron CK
J Glaucoma 1996 Dec;5(6):367-70
Super-glue to the rescue.
The Localizing Value of a Quadrantanopia
Jacobson, DM
Arch Neurol 1997 Apr;54(4):401-4
Quadrantanopia are most often secondary to occipital disease.
Ophthalmic Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery
Dacryocystorhinostomy with Intraoperative Mitomycin C
Kao et al
Ophthalmology 1997;104:86-91
MMC may significantly improve the success rate of external DCR.
Pediatrics and Strabismus
Uniocular childhood blindness: a prospective study.
Mulvihill A; Bowell R; Lanigan B; O'Keefe M
JPOS 1997 Mar-Apr;34(2):111-4
Most cases were not preventable.
Refractive Surgery
Retrephination Keratoplasty for High Astigmatism after Penetrating Keratoplasty
Krueger RR. Landry RJ. Assil KK. Schanzlin DJ.
Journal of Refractive Surgery. 12(7):806-8, 1996 Nov-Dec
Retrephination and suturing at a graft's donor-host interface can reduce astigmatism.
Retina and Vitreous
Blood-ocular barrier damage: use of contrast-enhanced MRI
Manfre L; Midiri M; Giuffre G; Mangiameli A; Cardella G; Ponte F; De Maria M; Lagalla R
Eur Radiol 1997;7(1):110-4
MRI with gad leaks similar to late, late fluorescein staining.